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We went to Xochimilco on Monday. This requires a number of subway changes and a trip to the end of a “new” train line. Gotta love Mexico City for the simple fact that you can go anywhere for cheap. This is especially important to us because we get lost a lot, (Read as “Getting lost is cheap” Our mantra). Oh yeah, Xochimilco…

The big deal there is that it’s the “Venice of Mexico” and yes, we took a 1 hour, private boat ride. Private except for the “gobs” of other boats, some with passengers like us, Some were like skinny skiffs with old ladies selling corn, others with musicians where they’ll “play if you pay”. Note: these were boats of full bands: trumpets, bajo sextos, even two-man marimbas. The boats were-a-rockin.

Xochimilco was actually a bit more our speed. The city itself, that is. It was like a slice of “small village” nestled in the armpit of Mexico City. There was a wonderful street market that included one entire skinned hog hanging from a phone pole. I kept singing to myself, “Let me take you to…Funkytown”

Tuesday, Sharon slept in. I took off for the Zocalo and just looked for weird stuff. Miniature HD video camera in tow, I made it to the cathedral of the patron saint of lost causes; San Judas Tadeo. I love this stuff. This cathedral, above all others, is surrounded by the poor, the disenfranchised and the “Dude! You need a shower,” types. After a number of hours of clandestine video capturing I made it back to a refreshed Sharon.  We immediately ventured out to Chapultapec Park, walked a bit and then made it to the National Anthropological Museum. Very cool. (B.T.W. I skipped the “lost” part and the protracted conversation with the local cops. Use your imagination.)

Wednesday was our day to be real tourist types. That meant Teotihuacan, otherwise referred to as the Pyramids. We inhaled all the culture and history it presented but what we really will remember the most is “STEPS”. Yes, I insisted we climb the Pyramid of the Sun. The BIG one. El Chingon.

This trip went from “adventure” to weight loss camp.

Upon leaving the pyramid area we turned off the tourist switch. We found an itty-bitty place to eat that served hueraches and pulque. To my surprise, Sharon actually liked the pulque. For her protection I didn’t tell her how it is “made”. If you don’t know, ask me in private.

Thursday we woke early and made it to Tepeyac. This is “God Central” for you Catholics. Sharon and I were here a year ago and it is pretty cool. Mary appears to Juan Diego. Juan Diego tells the local priests. Priests say “You crazy Indian!” Repeat.  Then Mary imprints herself on Juan Diego’s tunic with local roses. Voila!!! Our Lady of Guadalupe. This is circa mid-1500s. Nice place. Exquisite gardens. Incredible cathedrals.

After a couple of hours of this we ventured off to the barrio of San Angel, checked out Juan Diego and Frida Kahlo’s place and generally walked about way too much.

More weight loss camp.

San Angel is a beautiful area. A great place to get lost so that’s what we did.

I’ll tell you where we ended up tomorrow.

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