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It appears that going into Acapulco from the south on a Thursday is what everyone likes to do. We were in gridlock, which was exacerbated by folks randomly parking wherever they desired. The result was Donnie, Sharon and Cecillio were a “no show” for the game last night. We arrived in time to be engulfed by the early evening steam, have a beer, hear a few details of the 8 to 7 score, then scooted down the road to the family house for a tacos and sope dinner.

12/28 The long road trip to Huatulco took its toll on us all so, besides eating, the day was wasted away in the shade, mostly asleep.

12/29 My laziness turned to anxiousness so first thing today Sharon and I hit the streets, grabbed the first collectivo and backfired our way to the market.

One of many busses

Somehow, going to the Mexican markets still gives us a thrill. Typically we don’t buy anything. We just gawk and take pictures. Then the Mexicans gawk back in disbelief that there are gringos in thier market. But then we disarm them with our charm and wit and everyone starts posing for pics with slaughtered chickens and pigs. Not exactly a Norman Rockwell painting but entertaining nonetheless.

Sharon really wanted to see the sun set from Pie de la Cuesta, (pee-A – day – lah – coo – ES – tah, but she likes to call it Pie, like the apple kind. It’s cute.) So Cecillio obliged and carted us out the other side of Acapulco.

Sharon hit the beach, camera in hand, while Cecillio and I sampled some tequila.

Pie de la Cuesta
A Pie de la Cuesta sunset.

12/30 We had a rather lazy morning and that is an understatement. By the afternoon we headed to La Quedabra, (cliff divers) to deliver more hats to Poncho, a delightful dark, skinny guy that has proven to be Cecillio’s top seller.

La Quedabra

Afterwards we drove the coastline, up to the once famous Flamingo Hotel, getaway home to old Hollywood’s elites. Then we continued to the area of Caleta Beach to visit Cecillio’s daughter-in-law, Marta. My, did she have a nice little waterfront property.

Marta’s backyard.

Marta also owned a big slobbery boxer named Rex. Very sweet dog that drenched you with every wag of the tail.

12/31 Once again we started the day with a bus ride to the market. We’re going to spend New Years Eve with our Acapulco family so Sharon thought it would be a nice gesture to give each of the sisters roses; yellow roses from their Texas friends. At the market, roses run about $3… for 18 of them. We languished away the rest of the daylight.

Around 10pm we parked near the callejon and walked up to the family house. The cumbias filled the street and you could immediately smell the fresh pozole that we would have just before midnight, at which point we would climb to the third story rooftop to watch the fireworks in the bay.

Feliz Año Nuevo
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One thought on “It’s getting kinda hot in here.

  1. I am so happy you got with Cecilio! Nice man. Happy he’s doing well. Good to hear from you guys also 🙂

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